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The Red Dolphin

A film by Maria Franco


Maria Franco
Guilherme Bento
Sergio Menezes (interview)
Igor Simões
Jessica Neves

Script and text
Inez Oliveira

Editing and mixing
Inez Oliveira and Ricardo Filipo

Acácio Piedade

Inez Oliveira

Inez Oliveira

Ricardo Filipo


INPA National Amazon Research Institute – portal.inpa.gov.br

AMPA Association of Friends of Peixe Boi – http://ampa.org.br/

Amazon Aquatic Mammals Project – Petrobras Sponsor

Richard Rasmunssen

Emanuel Júlio – Youtube Tourism Channel Here https://turismoaqui.com.br/
Cession of images – Mercado PANAIR, Manaus, AM

Igor Simões Andrade – Bototherapy

Musical compositions – Acacio Piedade

Excerpts of songs in order of entry

  • Cirque du Bauhaus 2019 – MIDI Version
    Interlude Romantique
  • Daydream – Fantasia For Guitar 2016
    Performer: Benedikt Mensing
  • Cirque du Bauhaus 2019 – MIDI Version
    Interlude Jongleur
  • Dance in Red 2015 – Cello solo
    Performer: Fábio Presgrave
  • Tuhú Boy Dance, Heitor Villa Lobos 2016
    Reverences Cycle – Piano with four hands
    Performer: Duo Castelan & Barros
  • Toccata For Two Violas – Chamamé (2016)
    Interpreters: Alexandre Razera and Jairo Chaves,
  • Cirque du Bauhaus 2019 – MIDI Version
    Burlesque Episode


Glenda Gabriela Neves e Silva (Special child)
Jessica Neves (Mother of Glenda)
Maria Flor (Daughter of Igor)
Mustache (Captain of the boat)
Dr. Vera da Silva, Researcher at AMPA


YUKURU village – dance
TUYUCA / TUKANO Ethnicity – Tupé Beach
Father: Guabi
Children: Degpó, Taruãm, Guabi

Special thanks


Melanee and Mark Whitmore
Linda Fucci
Louana Nathalia Souza
Christine Rosa Lefkowitz
Roberto Pimentel
Silvia Aderne
Aline Cardoso and Fernanda Farias – AMPA
Vitoria Regia Manaus Botanical Garden
Pepper Design – www.pepperdesign.us

Image assignment

AMPA Documentary
Producer Torus Tammer
Film Direction Mark Grieco

Youtube Channel Tourism Here Amazonia
PANAIR Market Scenes- Manaus, AM